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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


ФГБУН "Институт токсикологии" ФМБА России

Адрес редакции и реквизиты

192012, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Бабушкина, д.82 к.2, литера А, кв.378

Свидетельство о регистрации электронного периодического издания ЭЛ № ФС 77-37726 от 13.10.2009
Выдано - Роскомнадзор

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 14, Art. 61 (pp. 762-772)    |    2013       

Clinico-hematological parameters and effectiveness of platelets transfusions in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Davaasambuu B. 1, Gritsaev S.V. 2, Glazanova T.V. 2, Kostroma I.I. 2, Potichonova N.A. 2, Martinkevitch I.S. 2, Koloskov A.V., Chechetkin A.V. 2
1SBIHE “Nord-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnicov” under the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs of Russian Federation, St.Petersburg
2FSBI “Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA Russia”. St.Petersburg

Brief summary

The effectiveness of platelets transfusions is dependent from many different parameters of immune and nonimmune factors. The aim of the study is to evaluate the association between some of clinic-hematological parameters and platelets transfusions’ refractoriness during induction (IR) and high dose chemotherapy (HDCh) in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The data of 41 patients during IR and 58 patients during HDCh were analyzed. To determine the effectiveness of platelets effectiveness the corrected count increment of transfused platelets was used. It was revealed that the effectiveness of platelets transfusions are dependent on morphological nature of blasts and prognostic ELN variants. Refractoriness to platelets transfusions is more often event in patients with monocytic nature of bone marrow blasts during IR (r=0.337; p=0.031). Opposite situation is during HDCh as the effectiveness is dependent on ELN variant (r=0.263; p=0.045). These data demonstrated that the number of nonimmune factors may be increased by new additional factors and morphological nature of bone marrow blasts and ELN cytogenetic variants are predictors of effectiveness of platelets transfusions in patients with AML.

Key words

acute myeloid leukemia, induction chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, platelets transfusions, FAB classification, WHO classification, ELN prognostic system.

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Reference list

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Свидетельство о регистрации сетевого электронного научного издания N 077 от 29.11.2006
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