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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


ФГБУН "Институт токсикологии" ФМБА России

Адрес редакции и реквизиты

192012, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Бабушкина, д.82 к.2, литера А, кв.378

Свидетельство о регистрации электронного периодического издания ЭЛ № ФС 77-37726 от 13.10.2009
Выдано - Роскомнадзор

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 14, Art. 4 (pp. 40-51)    |    2013       

Morphologic and endoscopic parallels in early central lung cancer diagnostics
Zhelbunova E.A.

N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology

Brief summary

This article summarizes the experience of application of the new combined endoscopic method for early central lung cancer diagnosis. Method is based on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the bronchoscopic images obtained in the autofluorescence and white light modes combined with measurement of reflected and autofluorescence spectra in 167 patients. AUC of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed good discrimination with maximum sensitivity - 94.74% (95% CI: 80,9% -99%) and specificity - 79.95% (95% CI: 75,8% -83,6%). The use of spectral coefficients can improve the specificity of the method and reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies and minimize trauma during the procedure. Immunohistochemistry showed significant differences in expression levels of several antibodies - СD31 и CD34 (р<0,05), EGFR (р<0,05), Ki-67 (р<0,001) - and p53 (p <0.001 ) in different stages of dysplasia.

Key words

central lung cancer, autofluorescence bronchoscopy, spectrometry, ROC curves, immunohistochemistry.

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Reference list

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Свидетельство о регистрации сетевого электронного научного издания N 077 от 29.11.2006
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