A comparative study of the formation of acute ethylene glycol poisoning delayed disorders under the therapy with either alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor - isovaleric acid amide or standard antidote therapy
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Institute of Toxicology» Federal Medico-Biological Agency, St. Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
Experiments on male rats showed that the application of amide of isovaleric acid, a non-competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase, against the ethylene glycol poisoning is much more effective compared to the standard antidote therapy. Administration of isovaleric acid am-ide significantly improved survival in experimental animals, provided the normalization of urinary system function. However, it did not prevent completely the development of nonspecific resistance, cellular and humoral immunity violations in survived rats. These results demonstrate that further study of ethylene glycol toxicity mechanisms is required, as well as a search for the new ways of pharmacological correction for acute poisoning delayed disorders.
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