Djanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Brief summary
This paper presents the results of a retrospective analysis of medical histories and prospective analysis of lavages from the surface of the peritoneum of patients who underwent radical operations for complicated forms of colon cancer. Established that peritoneal carcinomatosis after emergency radical operations developed in 24.2 - 28.6% of cases, free tumor cells when performing lavage from the surface of the peritoneum were found in 28% of patients. The evaluation of the risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis according to various clinical and pathological criteria. It was established that the tumor in 40 - 50% of cases is localized in the sigmoid colon. The most important factors determining the development of carcinomatosis are: germination tumor serosa organ (T4), and in especially the spread of tumors to adjacent tissues and organs and tumors with a low degree of differentiation (G3).
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