The experimental substantiation of the emergency exposure limits of soman for the air of the working place
Kuznetsova E.A., Zhukov V.E., Kolodii T.I.
Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology of Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia
Brief summary
To substantiate emergency exposure limits of soman the toxicological parameters of substance: median lethal concentration (CL50), threshold of specific toxic effect (Limac.sp.), threshold of general toxic effect (Limac.integr.) were defined in the experiment with the exposures that lasted for 30 min., 1, 2, 4 hours. The dependence “concentration- time- effect” was revealed as the result of the inhalation of soman. The data were used for the development of the emergency exposure limits of soman in the air of the working place and the mathematical forecasting of the mentioned limits in the interval from 18 minutes to 5 hours.
Key words
Soman, emergency exposure limits, working place, inhalation.
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