There was an analysis of heart rhythm variability, based on the same recording intervals of cardiorhythm. Calculation was carried out in the range of 1000 of intervals, followed by sampling and analysis by standard intervals of the 256, wherein we used different parts of a record. we compared the standard software on the machine Varikard analysis with statistical data obtained by other programs. Results of the analysis allowed to determine stable indicators of heart rhythm variability, characterizing the functional state of the person in the calm state. Statistical spectral parameters can not be attributed to the stable characteristic indicators because of the high volatility. We selected statistical indicators that are stable individual characteristics. A set of these indicators can serve as a "portrait" of the individual and allows us to distinguish people in a state of rest.
Key words
mathematical analysis of heart rhythm variability, the physiology of the cardiovascular system, autonomic nervous system, functional status, cardiointervalography
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