The ethanol and inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase efficacy at the ethylene glycol ethers poisons
E.Y. Bonitenko, Y.Y. Bonitenko
Federal State Science Institution \"The Institute of toxicology\" FMBA Russian Federation, St-Petersburg,
Federal State Institute of Public Health \"The Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine\" EMERCOM of Russia, St-Petersburg
Brief summary
The study was done on male rats with methyl and ethyl ethers (cellosolves - CS) of ethylene glycol poisons. The impact of ethanol, amide of iso-valerian acid (AIA) and its combination on poisons toxicity, blood concentrations and acid-base status were studied. It was show that ethanol, amide of iso-valerian acid and its simultaneous or sequential combination can lead to CS blood concentration and lethal dose level increasing, alcoacid blood decreasing. The AIA prevented acid-base disturbance, but the ethanol did not affect it. The sequential combination led to CS lethal dose increasing more than only ethanol administration. The simultaneous combination led to CS lethal dose increasing more than only AIA administration. The high AIA doses (500 mg/kg) were more effective than AIA standard doses (250 mg/kg) and high ethanol doses. The mechanism of action of studied substances and perspective of antidote treatment are discussed.
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