Institute of theoretical and experimantal biophysics od Russian Academy of sciensis, Branche of the Institute of bioorganic chemistry, Pushchino, Russia
Brief summary
Old inbred female rats WKY and SHR in the age of 16-21 month , which were in diestrus, had been given for three weeks a placebo or non hormonal food additive AMBEREN, containing some amino acids, ammonium and other salts of succinate and fumarate, and small doses of tocopherol. AMBEREN essentially influenced structure of estral cycle, according to microscopic picture of vaginal smears, but exclusively only at those female rats, who had earlier pregnancy. Estral cycle changes under AMBEREN influence consisted in significant increase in a share of estrus and in a reduction of diestrus time. Despite of rather big succinate doses in AMBEREN, it introduction was not accompanied by a rise of arterial blood pressure.
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