Basic evaluation methods of neurotoxic effects of severe forms of acute ethanol intoxication
Lisitskiy D.S., Voytsekhovich K.O., Melehova A.S.
Federal State Institution of Science "Institute of Toxicology, Federal Medical-Biological Agency"
Brief summary
Comprehensive definition of indicators defining the state of behavioral, sensorial, neuromotor and cognitive functions in experimental animals gives insight into pathological processes caused by neurotoxicants, including ethanol. Experimental study of neurotoxic disorders and dynamics of the disturbed functions recovery allows evaluating of their severity and duration, and can also be used in efficiency determination and explanation of application of pharmacological preparations in rehabilitation of patients who underwent severe acute alcohol intoxication.
Key words
Open field, X-maze, conditioned instrumental active and passive escape response, Rota road test, Tail flick, ethanol.
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