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Институт теоретической и экспериментальной биофизики Российской академии наук.


Адрес редакции и реквизиты

199406, Санкт-Петербург, ул.Гаванская, д. 49, корп.2

ISSN 1999-6314

Российская поисковая система

Vol. 13, Art. 27 (pp. 331-349)    |    2012       

Features of extremity injuries in cases of fatal blunt associated trauma in children
Karavayev V.M.

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy
194100, Saint-Petersburg, Litovskaya street, 2 – Department of Forensic Medicine

Brief summary

To estimate the frequency and characteristics of injuries of loose parts of the extremities in cases of blunt associated trauma of children, we compared the results of of forensic medical examination of children (101 of our proper observations and 188 statements from the archive of Saint Petersburg State Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise) and adults (227 of our proper observations). It was established that limb injuries, like skin injuries and also bone fractures in children are more rare that in adults. In cases of the limb bones trauma in children the quantity of damaged bones is smaller than in adults. Splintered fractures in children are twice less often than in adults. The frequency and the characteristics of limb injuries, the quantity of fractures depend on the age of the children. At the age of up to 3 years no cases of splintered and open fractures were noticed. In cases of the extremity injuries damages of the lower extremities were more often both in children and adults, but children showed the predominance of fractures of the proximal part of extremity – 42% of fractures were fractures of femur and humerus bones. The results of forensic medical examinations of he children corpses significantly differ from the clinical data according to which most limb fractures happen to be fractures of ulna and radius. This differences can be explained as by different circumstances of getting of the trauma, and also by insufficient diagnostics of greenstick and torus/buckle fractures at the section examination of children.

Key words

children, lethal blunt associated trauma, limb injuries.

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